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  • Police Checked
    A police check is issued as an official document to verify a background check by police or government agency to enumerate any criminal records a service provider may have.
  • $1,000,000 Work Guarantee
    This guarantee is up to one million dollars for work done by Jim's Group Franchisees.

    If you are not satisfied with the job, we will inspect it and have any problems fixed. If we believe the job is good and you do not, we will jointly agree on an independent expert to provide a report at our expense, and fix any problems found. Until this is done, you need not pay for the job. If problems are not fixed within a fortnight, any advance will be refunded.

    Only if no problems are found by the expert, will you be asked to pay the agreed price for the job and half the cost of the report.

    If the job is done to get your bond back on leaving a rental property, the job is only considered good when the agent or landlord is satisfied.

    If payment is made in advance and the job not done, the payment will be refunded.
  • $10,000,000 Public Liability
    A public liability policy covers damage to people or property.

    It is in place to protect business owners if someone sues for personal injury or damage to property.
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Take A Load Off Baby! Win Six Months Of Free Washing Thanks To Jim’s Laundry

Let’s be honest – nowadays, who’s got the time to get their washing done?

Our days are filled with so much chaos and go-go-go that we don’t always have time to do simple household chores, and that’s where Jim’s Laundry Services comes in. They love the jobs you loathe and are fussy laundry professionals ready to take on your washing to free up your precious time so you can spend it where it matters most – doing the things you love.

It’s simple too: a local team of laundry experts will take a load off your hands – from your doorstep, office, uni or even your hotel or holiday home – and they deliver it right back to you washed, dried and folded. Plus, if you’re in a hurry, you can select the express service option and get your threads back the same day. Simply call 131 546 or visit their Website to book.

These days, people are outsourcing plenty of time-consuming household tasks in an effort to carve out some precious family time.  Whether it’s mowing the lawns, cleaning your house or even preparing meals for the week, so why not the laundry as well?

So, if you find yourself time-poor and feeling overwhelmed with your busy schedule, or if your machine is on the fritz or even if you just want to avoid the dreaded post-holiday laundry catchup, Jim’s Laundry Services can help.


We are so jazzed with Jim’s taking control of our laundry situation that we’ve teamed up with them to offer you one free service! Simply head to the Jim’s Laundry Services CONTACT PAGE, fill out your details and put “PERTH IS OK” in the message field – It’s as easy as that!*

PLUS if you do claim one of the free bags of washing using our code, you’ll automatically go in the draw to win one large bag of laundry washed, dried and folded weekly for six months (including free pickup and delivery) thanks to Jim’s Laundry Services.

*You must live in Perth or surrounding suburbs and be over 18 years old. A large bag is approximately 12kg (two standard laundry baskets).