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How To Get Out Stains

At Jim’s Laundry, we deal with how to remove tough stains from clothes on a daily basis.

Our #1 advice is…..Deal with it as early as possible.

The less time a stain has to soak in, the easier it will be to remove.

So, if you’re trying to remove common household stains like coffee, red wine, grass, oil, mud or more, here are our best tips for more than 30 types of stains and how to remove them.


Soak in warm water with ½ teaspoon of dishwashing detergent and 1 tablespoon of white vinegar.


Dab the stain with paper towels. Sprinkle baking soda and salt. After it dries, wash it out.


Freeze for 15 mins and scrape off. Add dishwashing soap and rub the stain. Launder as usual.


Soak for 10mins in a mixture of 1:3 vinegar and water. Rinse and apply hydrogen peroxide, sale and water. Rinse.


Rinse it under cold water. Apply white vinegar or lemon juice and let it sit for 15 mins. Launder as usual.


Soak in cold water with ½ teaspoon of dishwashing detergent and 1 tablespoon of white vinegar.


Run the stain under cold water. Apply dishwashing liquid to the stain and soak it for a few    minutes. Then wash.


Place ice cubes on the wax so that it freezes. Scrape off the wax. Place paper over the stain and iron it.


Run and ice cube over the gum until it hardens. Scrape off. Apply dishwashing soap and scrub with an old toothbrush.


Soak for 15min in warm water, white vinegar and detergent. Apply rubbing alcohol and blot. Launder as usual.


Apply a mixture of 1:1 warm water and vinegar. Let it sit for 5 mins and rub detergent on the stain.


Blot the stain. Apply mixture of 1:2 vinegar and water. Rinse it and apply detergent. Wash it after 15 mins.


Allow the glue to dry. Scrape off. Soak in cold water for a few hours and launder as usual.


Blot the stain. Don’t rub. Place cardboard underneath and apply acetone. Rinse and launder as usual.


Rinse under cold water. Apply dishwashing soap and let it sit for 10 mins. Rinse and launder as usual.


Apply a mixture of 1:1 water and lemon juice. Let it dry. For coloured items, soak in warm water and vinegar.


Apply hair spray on the stain and let is sit for 15 mins. Rinse it under cold water inside out.


Soak for 45 mins in a bucket of warm or cold water and a bit of white vinegar. Launder as usual.


Scrape it off. Soak for 10 mins in a mixture of water, soap and rubbing alcohol. Rinse and launder as usual.


Scrape it off and rinse under warm water. Soak in warm water and detergent. Apply baking soda and launder as usual.


Apply foaming type of shaving cream. Let it sit for 2-3 mins. Rub the stain and rinse.


Blot the stain with a clean towel. Do not rub. Apply alcohol-based hairspray and let it dry. Launder as usual.


Soak for 15 mins in a mixture of ¼ water, 1 tablespoon ammonia and dishwashing liquid.


Scrape it off. Pour a mixture of water and a heavy-duty laundry detergent. Let it sit for 15 minutes and launder as usual.


Blot with paper towels. Rinse under cold water. Apply ¼ teaspoon soap and a cup of warm water. Launder as usual.


Scrape off the dried mud. Take a soft bristle brush and scrub. Launder as usual.


Scrape it off. Apply a strong tape and quickly rip it off. Apply hairspray. Rinse and launder as usual.


Scrape it off. Apply dishwashing soap and work it in with your fingers. Launder as usual.


Apply baking soda or baby powder and let it absorb the stain. Rinse. Apply detergent and launder after 15 mins.


Sponge the stain with lemon juice and rinse under cold water. Play under sunlight for 1 hour and launder as usual.


Turn it inside out and rinse under cold water. Apply a mixture of water and vinegar. Let it sit for 5 mins and rinse.


Scrape it off. Rinse under cold water. Apply vinegar and dish soap. Rinse and wash after 15 mins.


Scrape it off. Apply laundry detergent and rub. Let it soak for 15 mins in a mixture of water and launder detergent. Launder as usual.


Blot the stain. Soak for 15 mins in a mixture of ¼ warm water, ½ teaspoon liquid detergent and one teaspoon of white vinegar. Launder as usual.


Soak in cold water for 10 mins. Rub laundry detergent and soak in warm water for 30 mins. Launder as usual.

Do you have a stubborn stain you can’t get out yourself?

Call our professional Jim’s Laundry Services on 131 546!