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Selected Franchisee:
Gold Contractor
Will Call within 2 hours
  • Police Checked
    A police check is issued as an official document to verify a background check by police or government agency to enumerate any criminal records a service provider may have.
  • $1,000,000 Work Guarantee
    This guarantee is up to one million dollars for work done by Jim's Group Franchisees.

    If you are not satisfied with the job, we will inspect it and have any problems fixed. If we believe the job is good and you do not, we will jointly agree on an independent expert to provide a report at our expense, and fix any problems found. Until this is done, you need not pay for the job. If problems are not fixed within a fortnight, any advance will be refunded.

    Only if no problems are found by the expert, will you be asked to pay the agreed price for the job and half the cost of the report.

    If the job is done to get your bond back on leaving a rental property, the job is only considered good when the agent or landlord is satisfied.

    If payment is made in advance and the job not done, the payment will be refunded.
  • $10,000,000 Public Liability
    A public liability policy covers damage to people or property.

    It is in place to protect business owners if someone sues for personal injury or damage to property.
Book a Service:

Chirnside Park


Hello, my name is Nick and I am the proud owner and operator of Jim’s Laundry Services Chirnside Park. I enjoy doing laundry and receive great satisfaction in helping you free up your time. I provide residential and commercial laundry services at an affordable price with FREE pick-up and delivery!

I love my neighbourhood because we are so close to nature, such as trees, forests and state/national parks. The people in our area are very friendly and helpful. I was inspired to join Jim’s Laundry Services as it is a household name and has been tested and proven time after time. My main goal for my business is to build up a commercial and NDIS client base to give back to those around me. I spend my spare time camping, exercising and hiking in nature.

I have the safety and security of being fully trained and insured with a current police check, giving you the peace of mind to leave your laundry needs in my trusted care. I also have a 100% guarantee on my work, so if you are not happy with it I will fix it! If you require nothing less than exceptional, quality service please call 131 546 to have me quote and service your laundry needs.

Enquiry Form