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  • Police Checked
    A police check is issued as an official document to verify a background check by police or government agency to enumerate any criminal records a service provider may have.
  • $1,000,000 Work Guarantee
    This guarantee is up to one million dollars for work done by Jim's Group Franchisees.

    If you are not satisfied with the job, we will inspect it and have any problems fixed. If we believe the job is good and you do not, we will jointly agree on an independent expert to provide a report at our expense, and fix any problems found. Until this is done, you need not pay for the job. If problems are not fixed within a fortnight, any advance will be refunded.

    Only if no problems are found by the expert, will you be asked to pay the agreed price for the job and half the cost of the report.

    If the job is done to get your bond back on leaving a rental property, the job is only considered good when the agent or landlord is satisfied.

    If payment is made in advance and the job not done, the payment will be refunded.
  • $10,000,000 Public Liability
    A public liability policy covers damage to people or property.

    It is in place to protect business owners if someone sues for personal injury or damage to property.
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Catch the Buzz with Jim’s Laundry Services Buses: Spreading Cleanliness Across ACT and Tasmania

At Jim’s Laundry Services, we are always looking for innovative ways to reach our customers and make a lasting impression. That’s why we’re excited to announce our latest marketing initiative: branded buses! These eye-catching vehicles adorned with our vibrant logos and catchy slogans are driving in the streets of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and Tasmania, creating a buzz and spreading the message of our exceptional laundry services. In this blog post, we’ll take you on an exciting journey exploring how our branded buses are bringing convenience and cleanliness to your doorstep.

Engaging with the Community

As a leading provider of professional laundry services, our goal is to be a part of the communities we serve. By utilizing branded buses, we can engage with our customers on a whole new level. Our buses act as mobile billboards, making their way through the bustling streets of the ACT and Tasmania, catching the attention of passersby and leaving a lasting impression. Whether you’re waiting for public transport, driving alongside our buses, or simply walking on the streets, you’ll be captivated by the vibrant colors and striking design that represents Jim’s Laundry Services’ commitment to excellence.

Enhancing Brand Visibility

With our branded buses, we take our brand visibility to new heights. The eye-catching design, featuring our logo, tagline, and contact information, ensures that our name becomes synonymous with reliable and professional laundry services. As the buses traverse the streets of the ACT and Tasmania, our brand becomes a familiar sight, leaving a lasting impression on potential customers. Whether they are in need of laundry assistance for their homes or seeking commercial laundry services, Jim’s Laundry Services will be at the forefront of their minds.

Convenience on the Move

Our branded buses not only serve as a visual spectacle but also represent convenience on the move. We understand that time is precious, and with our busy schedules, it can be challenging to find the time for laundry. That’s why our buses act as mobile service centers, equipped with designated compartments for drop-off and pick-up of laundry items. Whether you’re on your daily commute, running errands, or simply going about your day, you can conveniently drop off your laundry or collect your freshly cleaned and neatly folded items without having to deviate from your routine. It’s like having a 24/7 laundry service on wheels, right at your doorstep.

With our branded buses hitting the streets of the ACT and Tasmania, Jim’s Laundry Services is not only making a bold visual statement but also reinforcing our commitment to delivering convenient and exceptional laundry services. Keep an eye out for our buses, and if you spot one, don’t hesitate to approach us to get a snap & tag us on social media. We’re thrilled to bring our expertise and convenience right to your doorstep, making laundry a hassle-free experience for everyone in the community.

Remember, when it comes to laundry, Jim’s Laundry Services has you covered, wherever you are in the ACT and Tasmania. Stay tuned for more exciting developments as we continue to innovate and revolutionize the way you experience laundry services.